
Fansite Exclusive Interview with Kaylee 2-2-13

Kaylee took some time out of her busy schedule to answer some interview questions for the fansite! She's been super busy working on various projects, including her brand new burlesque show Boobs and Goombas! Without further ado, here's the interview:

1) What's the worst injury you've ever gotten and how did you get it?

I’d have to say the worst injury I’ve gotten so far was a herniated disc in my lower back. I had to spend 3 months in physical therapy and to this day I have to be really careful not to aggravate the injury. I got it by bending over to pick up something I dropped….Lol. Lamest injury story EVER, right?

Since that was such a lame story, I’m going to give you the link to a video where I threw myself head first into the ground at stunt class and gave myself a concussion. It’s hilarious.

2) What's the strangest thing that's ever happened on set?

I’ve gotten random lap dances on set; I’ve gotten sung Happy Birthday to by a room full of people while I was naked and tied to a bed; and I made friends with a leaf bug that wouldn’t stop following me around for 3 days straight. These are all different films by the way. I’ve worked on some fun sets, haha.

3) What's the weirdest thing you've ever done?

Define weird. I do a lot of things that to me are perfectly normal and sane, but others consider “weird.” Like dressing up as a Power Ranger and running around Walmart fighting evil M&Ms. Or making out with a stranger in a body bag.

4) Do you have another talent that most people don't know about?

If I do, then it’s so hidden that even I don’t know about it!

5) When you were a kid, what did you think you'd be doing now?

Well I always dreamed that one day I would be a Power Ranger. That dream kind of came to fruition when I spent a weekend in Texas last year doing martial arts training with Jason David Frank, a.k.a. Tommy Oliver, the most epically awesome Power Ranger EVER. I also got to play the Green Ranger in a holiday themed burlesque show that I did here in Chicago during November and December of last year. I guess my kid self was correct about what I would be doing! Who knew? Dreams do come true. ;-)

6) How do you typically get ready to perform?

I don’t have any special routines or anything like that. I just make sure that I have everything I need and that I know my lines. I always make sure that I’m fully prepared and ready to perform.

7) Do you get ever get nervous? If so, how do you deal with it?

I don’t get nervous often but there are still a few things that get me a little nervous.

In the theater world, I always get nervous on opening night of a new show. Or when it’s the first night that I’m performing in a show. It’s not a bad kind of nervous, it’s more of an excited kind of nervous mixed with a bit of desperately hoping nothing goes wrong. Whenever I have nerves backstage at one of my burlesque shows, I just lean on my co-stars. I work with a bunch of extremely awesome, supportive ladies. We’re always cheering each other on and offering encouragement and hugs. It’s a wonderful environment to work in.

In the film world, I still get nervous about sex scenes. It’s not the nudity that makes me uncomfortable. Doing burlesque, nude modeling, and having nude scenes in several of my past films has made nudity something that’s just not a big deal to me anymore. That’s a fear that I overcame last year. At the beginning of 2012, I was terrified of doing nudity. One year later, I’m now completely comfortable in my own skin. It only took 25 years. Haha. No, what makes me nervous about sex scenes is the intimacy, and having to portray that intimacy on camera, with people watching. What helps in those situations is making sure to take time to have one-on-one time with my co-star so that we can be by ourselves and become more comfortable with one another on our own time, before getting in front of the camera.

8) What do you do in your spare time?

I’m almost always doing something work related. If I’m not on set working on a film or performing in a show, I’m shooting audition tapes, answering business email, going to rehearsals, reading scripts, negotiating contracts, doing promotional appearances, doing photo shoots, doing interviews, contacting filmmakers about projects, etc. I put a lot of time and work into my career. I don’t just expect opportunities to fall into my lap; I work hard to create opportunities for myself.

When I do take some time to myself, I do low-key things like playing laser tag or mini golf with a friend, sitting down and reading a good book, catching up on some of my favorite TV shows, dressing up like a Power Ranger and running around the mall fighting imaginary monsters….

9) What's it like for you to meet fans?

It’s very surreal. I’m so grateful that I even HAVE fans. I’m very appreciative of the people that support me and my work. I’m honestly always a bit surprised when someone comes up to me at a convention or event and asks for an autograph or asks if I’ll take a picture with them. I always look around to see if they’re talking to someone else. It’s awesome that there are people out there that follow my work and love what I do.

If you’re a fan and you’re reading this interview, THANK YOU!

10) What's the strangest thing a fan has ever done?

I haven’t had any strange fan experiences. At least not yet.

11) What's an interview question you wish someone would ask you?

I like it when people ask me questions that I’ve never been asked before. A lot of interviews I do, there’s a lot of the same questions being asked over and over again, and it gets tricky trying to answer the same questions in different ways.

That being said, you’re doing a pretty good job of asking questions that I haven’t been asked before!

12) What career do you think would best suit you besides being an actress?

I can’t imagine myself not being a performer of some sort. Whether it be doing films, modeling, theater, or burlesque, I just wouldn’t be happy if I weren’t in some way a part of the performing arts world.

Although, I would probably make a great psychologist. I love studying human behavior and learning about how the mind works. I also enjoy getting inside people’s heads to find out what makes them unique and what makes them tick. I like trying to figure out why certain people do the things they do and why different people react different ways to different things. I find the complexities of human behavior fascinating.

13) How would you react if you were asked to be in a big Hollywood movie?

I’d be thrilled! Do you know something I don’t know? Haha. Of course, I would have to make sure that the film and the role were right for me, but being offered the opportunity to be a part of something like that would be pretty amazing.

14) Where would you like to see yourself in five years?

I’d like to see myself happy, healthy and surrounded by love. Those are the most important things to me. I’d also like to see myself in a financially stable place. As for the details of what I will be doing, where I will be living, and all that stuff, only time will tell.

15) Can you describe yourself in one word?

Nope, I don’t think there’s just one word that can sum me up in a nutshell. I don’t fit in a nutshell.

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